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Sukkot Siyum Luncheon: A Communal Celebration of Beginnings + Endings

In Jewish tradition, when we finish studying a text, it’s customary to get together for a siyum, a festive meal commemorating the conclusion of learning. Learners in the Den’s peer-led Mussar Circle have spent the past year studying and discussing the book, Everyday Holiness, inspiring an ethical framework for living and spiritual development. The rest of the Den community is invited to join in this siyum celebration! We’ll enjoy a delicious lunch in the Sukkah, learn about ways to integrate Mussar ethics into our lives, and celebrate our fellow community members for their incredible achievement! Everyone is truly welcome. Your presence will infuse joy and merriment into our communal celebration! No prior experience or involvement in Mussar necessary!

This gathering will be held in Maryland.